November 26th, 2016 | Italy
A morning mountain hike on The Ponale Trail
A morning walk on the Ponale Trail made for the perfect mountain escape back when I stayed in Riva del Garda for a few days in October. This pebbly gravel trail winds itself on the cliff side along Lake Garda [...]
November 16th, 2016 | Denmark
Discover Søhøjlandet: Canoe trip from Ry to Himmelbjerget
It may have looked like a gloomy day out there on the water, yet the spirit was high and cheerful as we crossed the lakes from Ry to Himmelbjerget on our two-day canoe trip together with our friend [...]
January 10th, 2016 | Latvia
Photo Diary: A Winter Getaway to Riga
First day of Winter and there I was, standing in Riga, the capital of Latvia and the largest city in the Baltics. The morning sun gently kissed my cold cheeks as I stepped outside the hotel and turned my head towards the sky [...]