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A morning walk on the Ponale Trail made for the perfect mountain escape back when I stayed in Riva del Garda for a few days in October. This pebbly gravel trail winds itself on the cliff side along Lake Garda and it used to be the only road connection Riva del Garda and the Ledro Valley. As we embarked on our uphill hike at the outskirt of the town, it didn't take me long to understand, why this path is so highly popular among both hikers and bikers. For each step we took, the Ponale trail feed us with one beautiful view after another. There was literally an amazing view awaiting around every bend along the trail! I think my fellow travelers Sofia, Fantasiresor.se and Veera, Veerabianca.com will agree with me on this? Our slow-paced hiking might just have been due to us stopping up every few minutes to capture a shot - hehe. The entire hike from the centre of Riva del Garda to Ledro Valley is an approx. 9.5 km journey, which takes about three hours to complete. We didn't go all the way but instead stopped halfway at Ponale Alto Belverede, a small café on the mountain side, to have ourselves a refreshing aperitivo before returning back to Riva del Garda. Sitting on the roof top of this tiny café sipping coffee and drinks, while overlooking the quiet water of Lake Garda and breathing in fresh mountain air - now doesn't that sound like a great way to start your day?
Collaboration information
This post is part of the promo campaign #atLakeGarda in #GardaTrentino arranged as a collaboration between NordicTB and Garda Trentino