It was here in the woods in Djursland that the naked trees bid us welcome with a red carpet of old leaves on the forest ground. For way to long we had neglected to take on the open invitation to see what was hidden in between these trees. Not many people are aware of this place or its story and even fewer find their way out here to this "secret spot". Today, however, was our day to unravel the mystery and we brought Sara along on our little adventure in search of the tiny abandoned stonehouse Flintholm Stenhus hidden in the woods of Horstved Skov.

Images of this place have been printed in my mind for years. I have imagined what it looked like in its gloory days; that the house was made of delicious pancakes instead of stones; and that a wicked witch with a long pointy nose and huge appetite for lost visitors actually lived in the house.

Carefully we started scouting around. Should we go left or right? Perhaps continue straight ahead? For a short while we wandered around with open eyes and curious minds, when suddenly the secret revealed itself before us. In a small clearing in the woods, we spotted the little old charming and abandoned stonehouse. It stood there in peaceful solitude between the trees. An old soul with scares on the surface. Wind and weather had taken its toll. It was easy to imagen how wonderful this tiny spot in nature must have been back in the days, when someone still shared their affection for this little stonehouse in the middle of the woods.